Housekeeping Duties

8:35 – 9:00 Arrival

  • Wash hands and help your child stow their stuff

  • Check curriculum binder for days activity and get set up  Sanitize sink and counters.

  • Empty dishwasher.Place appropriate number of plates, cups, utensils, serving utensils, water pitcher, napkins and measuring cup on blue trays for each table.

  • Place perishables in fridge. 

  • Uncover sensory table.

  • Dampen and place yellow sponges (one per child) in dish tubs to be distributed to snack tables.

9:00 – 9:15  Opening Circle

  • Assist getting all kids to the circle time room for circle time

  • Finish setup/arrival procedures then sit with kids and participate in circle

9:15 – 10:15  Activity Time

  • Position yourself to see kids in kitchen and science area.             

  • Invite children to do planned activity but allow for free choice    

  •  Listen and talk with kids (Who, What, Where , When? Tell me about that...)

  • Encourage children to explore, experiment and participate freely

  • Assist children feeding animals, wash hands.

  • Give 3 minute clean up warning, encourage them to finish up their work

10:15 – 10:25  Clean Up

  • Give children a specific task to help with cleanup. (can you please put all of the play dough away).

  • Cover sensory table.

  • Wipe down table with soap and water. Spray table with sanitizer and wipe dry.

  • Direct children to circle time. Sanitize all tables while others are at Circle.

  • Wash hands. 

10:30 – 10:55 Snack Time

  • Allow all other tables to fill before kitchen table. 

  • Encourage children to serve themselves and pass items.

  • Remind them to take only what they will eat.Set out plates and cups, fill measuring cup with water for kids to pour themselves.

  • Encourage conversation between children, practice counting and courtesy.

  • Have children clear their dishes into the dish tub and use the small sponges to wipe their spot clean.

  • Direct children to the bathroom to wash hands.

10:30-11:45 Clean up

  • Slow eaters from other tables will join kitchen table. Encourage children to finish and direct them to wash hands and join others waiting to go outside.

  • Stay inside to clean. wash dishes and put away extra food. soak yellow sponges in bleach water, rinse, air dry, and place under sink.

  • Wipe Down Sink and Counters.

  • Lift chairs onto tables, sweep all hard floors onto carpet.

  • Clean adult and children’s bathroom with cleaning caddy.

  • Mop all hard floors, be sure to dump mop water in adult toilet.Vacuum all carpet.

  • Sanitize table tops, take out garbage from all rooms, replace bags. Wash your hands after handling garbage. 

  • Thursdays put 55gal garbage can and recycling bins on street for morning pick up.

  • Monday, bring in garbage can from street. 11:45-12:00  

Closing Circle - Outside weather permitting

  • Join circle when your work is done. after circle find  the sign in sheet, direct parents to sign children out and pick up in Muscle Room

11:50 – 12:00 Closing Circle

  • Make sure all children are at closing circle.  Check places where kids might hide.

12:00 – 12:15 Talk – Over

  • Participate in talk-over with Teacher Jessica