Housekeeping Duties
8:35 – 9:00 Arrival
Wash hands and help your child stow their stuff
Check curriculum binder for days activity and get set up Sanitize sink and counters.
Empty dishwasher.Place appropriate number of plates, cups, utensils, serving utensils, water pitcher, napkins and measuring cup on blue trays for each table.
Place perishables in fridge.
Uncover sensory table.
Dampen and place yellow sponges (one per child) in dish tubs to be distributed to snack tables.
9:00 – 9:15 Opening Circle
Assist getting all kids to the circle time room for circle time
Finish setup/arrival procedures then sit with kids and participate in circle
9:15 – 10:15 Activity Time
Position yourself to see kids in kitchen and science area.
Invite children to do planned activity but allow for free choice
Listen and talk with kids (Who, What, Where , When? Tell me about that...)
Encourage children to explore, experiment and participate freely
Assist children feeding animals, wash hands.
Give 3 minute clean up warning, encourage them to finish up their work
10:15 – 10:25 Clean Up
Give children a specific task to help with cleanup. (can you please put all of the play dough away).
Cover sensory table.
Wipe down table with soap and water. Spray table with sanitizer and wipe dry.
Direct children to circle time. Sanitize all tables while others are at Circle.
Wash hands.
10:30 – 10:55 Snack Time
Allow all other tables to fill before kitchen table.
Encourage children to serve themselves and pass items.
Remind them to take only what they will eat.Set out plates and cups, fill measuring cup with water for kids to pour themselves.
Encourage conversation between children, practice counting and courtesy.
Have children clear their dishes into the dish tub and use the small sponges to wipe their spot clean.
Direct children to the bathroom to wash hands.
10:30-11:45 Clean up
Slow eaters from other tables will join kitchen table. Encourage children to finish and direct them to wash hands and join others waiting to go outside.
Stay inside to clean. wash dishes and put away extra food. soak yellow sponges in bleach water, rinse, air dry, and place under sink.
Wipe Down Sink and Counters.
Lift chairs onto tables, sweep all hard floors onto carpet.
Clean adult and children’s bathroom with cleaning caddy.
Mop all hard floors, be sure to dump mop water in adult toilet.Vacuum all carpet.
Sanitize table tops, take out garbage from all rooms, replace bags. Wash your hands after handling garbage.
Thursdays put 55gal garbage can and recycling bins on street for morning pick up.
Monday, bring in garbage can from street. 11:45-12:00
Closing Circle - Outside weather permitting
Join circle when your work is done. after circle find the sign in sheet, direct parents to sign children out and pick up in Muscle Room
11:50 – 12:00 Closing Circle
Make sure all children are at closing circle. Check places where kids might hide.
12:00 – 12:15 Talk – Over
Participate in talk-over with Teacher Jessica